Nike Air Max - Product Animation
Project brief:
Darryl media was bidding against other agencies for an opportunity to create short advertisements showcasing Nike's new line of Sneakers. Darryl Media Requested a very short teaser advert that consisted of simple animation on the shoes.
Darryl Media
Darryl Media
Klockwork Animation
Our work on the project:
We created a 5-second mockup product animation teaser using Nike Airmax shoes. The first shoe animated in from off-screen which then split into 3 shoes that settled. Each shoe was animated using a simple rotation.
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Rendering, Motion graphics & Product animation by Klockwork Animation.
The Nike logo & all other elements related to Nike are & remain the property of Nike, Inc.
The AirMax logo & all other elements related to AirMax are & remain the property of Nike, Inc.
Audio: Hyperspeed
Artist: Eveningland
Album: N/A
Writers: Eveningland